Pharmacokinetics of ceftriaxone in calves
Jayesh J. Maradiya, Harshad V. Goriya, Shailesh K. Bhavsar, Urvesh D. Patel, and Aswin M. Thaker
Farmakokinetika ceftriaksona u teladi
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Epizootiological study of foot and mouth disease in the Sudan: the situation after two decades
Mohammed Habiela, Mohammed A. G. Alamin, Yazeed A. Raouf, and Yahia H. Ali
Epizootiološko istraživanje slinavke i šapa u Sudanu: stanje nakon dva desetljeća
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Propofol-induced electroencephalographic, electrocardiographic and spirometric changes in goats
Arun K. Madan, Jayant P. Korde, Arup K. Das, and Sunil K. Rastogi
Elektroencefalografske, elektrokardigrafske i spirometrijske promjene u koza uzrokovane propofolom
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In vitro development of buffalo preantral follicles in co-culture with cumulus or granulosa cells
Hondaravalli S. Ramesh, Paluru S. P. Gupta, Sumanta Nandi, and Bodhaganahalli M. Manjunatha
Razvoj in vitro preantralnih folikula u kokulturi s kumulusnim ili granuloznim stanicama
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Molecular detection of Newcastle disease virus using Flinders Tehnology Associates-PCR
Madaboosi S. Narayanan, Manoharan Parthiban, Padmanabhan Sathiya, and Kathaperumal Kumanandesh
Dokaz virusa newcastleske bolesti molekularnim postupkom FTA-PCR
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Evaluation of CD45+ cells kinetics in the blood of fattening chickens immunized with live or inactivated Newcastle disease vaccine
Maja Popović, Mirta Balenović, Anamaria Ekert Kabalin,Vladimir Savić, Nada Vijtiuk, Ksenija Vlahović, and Ivica Valpotić
Procjena kinetike CD45+ limfocita pune krvi tovnih pilića imuniziranih živim ili inaktiviranim cjepivom protiv newcastleske bolesti
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Effects of challenge dose on crop colonization of Salmonella Enteritidis in experimentally infected chickens
Olayinka O. Ishola
Učinci izazivačke doze na naseljivanje serovara Salmonella Enteritidis u voljku pokusno zaraženih pilića
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Bacterial and fungal flora in faecal samples from rooks (Corvus frugilegus) in the City of Zagreb, Croatia
Ksenija Vlahović, Estella Prukner-Radovčić, Danijela Horvatek, Marina Pavlak, Tomislav Gomerčić, Zdravka Rumiha, and Alenka Dovč
Pojavnost bakterija i gljivica u svježem izmetu vrana gačaca (Corvus frugilegus) u Zagrebu, Hrvatska
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Biochemical and expression studies on Aquaporin 9 (AQP9) in wild and AQP9 knockout mice
Mohamed A. Hashem
Biokemijska istraživanja i ekspresija akvaporina 9 (AQP9) u divljih miševa i miševa s odstranjenim genom za AQP9 application
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Influence of hydroxyapatite on fracture healing in diabetic rats: biomechanical and radiographic studiesoint
Abdolhamid Meimandi Parizi, Golamali Jelodar, Hamidreza Moslemi, Azizola K. Tafti, and Mohammad J. Emami
Utjecaj hidroksiapatita na cijeljenje prijeloma kostiju dijabetičnih štakora: biomehanička i radiografska istraživanja
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Testicular morphology and epididymal sperm reserves of male rats following the withdrawal of Nigerian Qua Iboe Brent crude oil
Udensi M. Igwebuike, Reginald I. Obidike, Njoku U. Njoku, and Shodeinde V. O. Shoyinka
Morfologija testisa i zalihe sperme u epididimisu štakora nakon prestanka davanja nigerijske sirove nafte Qua Iboe Brenttion
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Detection of antibody to Newcastle disease virus in semidomesticated free-range birds (Numida meleagris and Columba livia domestica) and the risk of transmission of Newcastle disease to village chickens - short communication
Philemon N. Wambura
Dokaz protutijela za virus newcastleske bolesti u poluudomaćenih slobodno živućih ptica (Numida meleagris i Columba livia domestica) te rizik za prijenos bolesti na piliće u seoskim gospodarstvima - kratko priopćenje
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Demonstration and quantification of ovine herpesvirus 2 in Croatia - a case report
Nenad Turk, Josipa Habuš, Martina Friess, Robert Zobel, Željko Grabarević, Ljubo Barbić, Zrinka Štritof, Zoran Milas and Vilim Starešina1
Dokaz i kvantificiranje ovčjeg herpesvirusa 2 u Hrvatskoj
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