Editor’s Note

The journal Veterinarski arhiv was established in 1931 as the official publication of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Zagreb and is approaching its 100th anniversary of continuous publication. Over the years, it has had many editors who have diligently worked to improve its quality, resulting in the journal’s articles being regularly indexed not only in SCI-Expanded but also in the Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition and numerous other relevant databases.

Since January 1, 2005, the journal has been published quarterly in both print and digital formats. All articles published since 1998 can be found in the archive available on this website. The editorial process increasingly incorporates modern information technologies, with manuscript submission and peer review managed through the COMET online platform. The journal’s website has been modernized with a template that includes embedded formatting guidelines for authors, as well as links to the Mendeley application for reference management. Additionally, we have introduced ahead of print publication, and articles have been digitally enhanced with active DOI links, ORCID identifiers, and in-text citations with corresponding reference lists.

We hope that these changes will contribute to raising the scientific excellence of Veterinarski arhiv and increasing interest from both domestic and international researchers in publishing their work in the journal. This would help maintain the journal’s original purpose—to promote national scientific research in veterinary medicine and strengthen connections with the global scientific community.

Nina Poljičak Milas, PhD, Full Professor