The journal Veterinarski arhiv (Vet. arhiv) publishes...
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The journal Veterinarski arhiv (Vet. arhiv) publishes original scientific papers, case reports, short communications, review papers and book reviews. Occasionally, in supplemental issues, it publishes papers of relevant conferences. The scope of the journal includes all fields of veterinary and animal sciences. Veterinarski arhiv is published by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Zagreb, six times a year, as an open access, peer-reviewed, international scientific journal. Only unpublished manuscripts may be accepted for the review process. All papers must be written in English and submitted via the Journal's online submission system (COMET). The content of the Journal is available free of charge and there are no publication charges. Abstracts/Contents are indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch™), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, SCOPUS, Zoological Record, Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews, CAB Abstracts (Index Veterinarius, Veterinary Bulletin), FISHLIT.

Year: 2024, Volume: 94, Number: 4


The variability in the prevalence of subclinical and clinical mastitis and its impact on milk yield of Holstein and Simmental cows as a result of parity

Vesna Gantner, Ivana Jožef, Marko Samardžija, Zvonimir Steiner, Ranko Gantner, Dragan Solić and Klemen Potočnik

Varijabilnost u prevalenciji subkliničkog i kliničkog mastitisa i njegov utjecaj na mliječnost krava holštajnske i simentalske pasmine kao rezultat pariteta


Comparative genomics of Brucella suis discriminates different biovars

Kumaragurubaran Karthik, Subbaiyan Anbazhagan and Seeralan Manoharan

Usporedna genomska analiza u diferencijaciji različitih biovarova bakterije Brucella suis


The effect of stunning methods on stress and meat quality parameters in pigs

Silvana Stajković, Dragan Vasilev, Mirjana Dimitrijević, Nikola Čobanović and Nedjeljko Karabasil

Utjecaj metode omamljivanja na pokazatelje stresa i kvalitete mesa svinja


Cleavage of chicken vimentin by the reticuloendotheliosis virus protease

Tong Zhu, Minxun Song, Bing Huang, Yufeng Li and Feng Hu

Cijepanje pilećeg vimentina proteazom virusa retikuloendotelioze


Analysis of grafted Thy1-YFP-16 positive cells in mouse brains affected by ischaemic stroke

Ana Bekavac, Ante Plećaš, Ivan Alić and Dinko Mitrečić

Analiza transplantiranih Thy1-YFP-16 pozitivnih stanica u mozak miša zahvaćen ishemijskim moždanim udarom


The construction and immune efficacy of recombinant Lactobacillus casei strains expressing VP3 from goose parvovirus

Yan-Hui Chen,Yi-Feng Pei, Qian Yu, Hao Dong and Li-Bo Jin

Izgradnja i imunosna učinkovitost rekombinantnih sojeva bakterije Lactobacillus casei koji eksprimiraju VP3 iz parvovirusa gusaka


The influence of the lactobacillus buchneri, lactobacillus plantarum, and enterococcus faecium on the nutritional value and health safety of the different maize hybrid silages

Aleksandra Ivetić, Bojan Stojanović, Branko Petrujkić, Radmila Beskorovajni, Marijana Maslovarić, Milivoje Ćosić and Stamen Radulović

Utjecaj lactobacillus buchneri, lactobacillus plantarum i Enterococcus faecium na nutritivnu vrijednost i zdravstvenu sigurnost silaža različitih hibrida kukuruza

