Year: 2018, Volume: 88, Number: 1

doi: 10.24099/vet.arhiv.161027

Molecular detection of Clostridium perfringens toxinotypes, Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, rotavirus and coronavirus in diarrheic fecal samples of neonatal goat kids

(Desh D. Singh, Rajveer S. Pawaiya, Kumaresan Gururaj,Neeraj K. Gangwar, Anil K. Mishra, Dimple Andani, Manoj K. Singh, Saket Bhushan, and Ashok Kumar)

Molekularni dokaz toksinskih tipova bakterije Clostridium perfringens, enteropatogenih sojeva Escherichia coli te rotavirusa i koronavirusa u uzorcima proljeva kod neonatalne jaradi
